Your Creative Journey

As an Artist, (whether you are a painter, photographer, musician, speaker, sculptor or any kind of visual artist) you must continue to feed your mind, ask questions of the world and ponder. Your Art is your attempt to answer those questions and in doing so you can add your flavour to society.

So how do you feed your mind?

* Reading books and other literature
* Attending Exhibitions (not just the Art you like either)
* Watching movies, documentaries and other media
* Attending lectures and presentations
* Getting together with your peers or Artists outside your realm
* Go outside your comfort zone
* Attending workshops
* Spending time contemplating about your style, about your world

Experiencing that which is outside your realm of interest is important as well. This has the effect of stretching your world-view and opens your mind to other possibilities. Your feelings about this may reveal to you a new way of seeing ‘the old’ which then will translate into your Art.

Why do all this?

You are a product of your environment. You have been subjected to different influences (chosen or otherwise). You have beliefs and your own thoughts.

Like any endeavour, you will want to grow and evolve, communicate through expressions of your Art.

The world wants to see what and how you feel about things. The world wants to see your flavour, a flavour that can help grow the world into news ways of appreciation and seeing.

The world is waiting…just waiting for you to inspire us!

Written by David Johnson
31 July 2015

The Book-Lover!

Sitting under a tree
Engrossed in a book
The world passes by
No need to look

Within your world
You are at peace
Happy as can be
It’s your release

Alone with a book
Is such sweet pleasure
As you uncover all
Its Earthly treasure

Sometimes fiction
Sometimes reference
You need to choose
It’s your very own preference

With each page
Your mind is fed
Your life enhanced
And your Heart is led

Turning each page
Leads you to uncover
The very thing
That makes you a book-lover!

Written by David Johnson

© CommunicatingCreatively/David Johnson 2015

Long, Sought After Feeling

That long sought after feeling
Drifts right on to

My infinite consciousness
And hangs onto

My mind is inviting
That feeling to stay

Otherwise that feeling
Would simply, drift away

Experiencing this feeling
Sets my mind alive

Gives me new hope
Taking life in my stride

As I set forth into the future
Carrying that feeling with glee

The future is bright
For I can be me!

Written by David Johnson

© CommunicatingCreatively/David Johnson 2015

Like Thin, Fine Curtains…

Like thin, fine curtains
Blowing in the wind
The rain, it sweeps
Then begins to rescind

Refreshing water
Gives life to below
New beginnings
Life starts to flow

A ripple in a pond
Frequency bestowed
Below the surface
Activity explodes

Earth enriched
A beauty so unique
Tranquility there
For all to seek

Written by David Johnson
26 July 2015

© CommunicatingCtreatively/David Johnson 2015

An Unexpected Experience

Last night, my wife, Susan & I attended the ‘Youth Solutions Winter Wonderland Charity Ball.’ Youth Solutions is a is a youth drug & alcohol prevention and health promotion charity, working with young people in Macarthur and Wingecarribee areas SW of Sydney, Australia.

As with any such event as this, there was entertainment, a Soloist and a ‘groovy’ Rock ’n’ Roll band and they took it in turns to serenade and have the ‘joint jumping.’

As the Entree was being served, youth & young adult dancers from a local dance studio, ‘De Hall Dance’ took to the floor and over the following 20 minutes or so championed the activity of Ballroom dancing and also danced to some more modern moves. (20 years ago I had attended two Beginner dancing programs at the studio and the dancers brought back some great memories).

As I sat and watched the dancers seemingly glide around the floor, thoughts came to my mind about Dad (who passed away in January this year, aged 85). Dad loved to dance and could dance well, particularly in his younger days. Mum loved to dance as well.

Indeed, Mum and Dad met at a dance hall in their early 20’s c1950. They (particularly Dad) had expressed to us all what fun the dance halls were back then. Stories of great times with friends, laughter and of course, lots of dancing.

I began to see a young Mum & Dad dancing on the floor last night, and as I imagined this, tears formed in my eyes (like is happening again now…).

We cannot feel what they felt as they danced together with love blooming all those years ago but it was enough to carry them through 63 years of Marriage, 5 children and 2 grand-children.

“And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon.”
— Edward Lear

Yes indeed.

Written by David Johnson
26 July 2015

Dad & Mum 8 December 1951

Why Toastmasters?

Logo Website Tagline LockupI was a ‘born introvert.’ At school I would not volunteer to ‘read things out in class’, at parties (even as an adult) I would only talk to people I knew, and at meetings at work I would have an idea though I would be too nervous to speak in front of others.

What led me to Toastmasters?

It was a chance meeting with a former work-friend, Wendy White in 2008 who was then President of a Toastmasters Club. (Wendy is currently District Director of District 70 in Australia).

I saw the changes in her (from when I knew her previously) and suspected that Toastmasters had something to do with this.

So what is Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. It has 313,000 members around the world in 14,650 clubs in 126 countries.

Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending the meetings on a regular basis, either weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the individual Club and applying themselves through the Educational program.

I joined Toastmasters in March 2008 for the following reasons:

1. To gain a greater general confidence
2. To improve my photographic judging evaluations at Camera Clubs
3. To overcome nerves

Joining and putting myself well and truly into the programme has been a life-changing experience because it has helped me in 18 different ways/areas of my life i.e.

It has helped me in the following ways:
– gain greater general confidence
– am able to control my nerves prior to and during photographic judging/speeches
– am able to take photos in front of others without getting nervous
– am now able to walk up to strangers and introduce myself
– has improved my networking/business capabilities
– have no fear of speaking in public
– have no fear of taking on leadership roles
– has made me a better leader
– it has made me a better listener

– to evaluate better
– I can now ‘think on my feet’ better (impromptu speaking)
– improved my performance at job interviews
– has enable me to write & deliver coherent speeches
– has enabled me to win speech contests (who would have ever thought)!?
– has improved my writing capabilities to the point that I am now in the process of writing a book
– has given me the confidence to start writing poems (133 at last count)
– has opened up ‘outside of Toastmasters’ speaking opportunities including me being able to accept an MC role at a wedding & being able to speak at community clubs
– has enabled me to have a positive impact on people within and outside Toastmasters

As with life in general, the learning never stops! In all of the above areas there are still improvements to be made but when I look back I am thankful I had the courage to walk through the door of a Toastmasters Club.

Members, both experienced and new will be there to support you and cheer you on!

Whether you are an employee or are in business for yourself, consider visiting/joining a Toastmasters Club.

It will change your life for the better!

Click on to find out more and ‘Find A Club’ in your area.

To your Success!!!

The Joy Of Instagram

Before the dawn of Smartphones and apps like Instagram, we photographers always liked to carry a camera with us for a high percentage of the time, be it your SLR camera or a compact of some description.

The reason was simple. You never know what you would come across during your day and you certainly would not want to miss out on that ‘photographic opportunity.’ In practice though we did not always take a camera with us.

For a fair while now we have had the phones and the apps with us and their usefulness increases each year.

One of my favourite apps is now Instagram. Whilst the images cannot be enlarged all that much I am taking more and images this way. I still use my DSLR for my business and serious personal projects however when I don’t have my DSLR with me I enjoy pulling out the camera and taking shots of images that impress me as I go about my daily routines.

I have included a few here however please feel free to check out my Instagram page.

10577067_10203724512627088_8883449080216458998_n 10606444_10204624225719353_6666672541814249448_n IMG_0456IMG_0605

If you don’t have an Instagram page as yet, consider having one. I feel it helps me continue to ‘train my eye’ on a daily basis and it’s a lot of fun too!

Written & photographed by David Johnson
© Light Inspired & CommunicatingCreatively/David Johnson 2015

And I Know That I Will

I sit and I watch the day unfolding
Shadows creep in, shadows creep out
The Sun dances across the sky
Partnering with clouds as we watch the day go by

As I sit and I wonder
What the day will bring
With each passing hour
No more than a shower

The day goes on
The light changes hourly
I sit and watch the day unfold
A promise of more I surely am told

I dream and I dream
I watch and I listen
The day speaks to me
And I listen intently

The message is clear
How could I have not seen it?
It was there all along
Was my mind distracted?

I begin to understand
And try not to question
What life was telling me
Again and again

All along it has been saying
What I should do
Had I have not been listening
I would’ve missed it today too

The Sun it goes down
Beyond the hill
The path is clear
And I know that I will


Written by David Johnson

This is the first poem I had ever written & was originally published on my ‘Observations & Other Writings’ blog in August 2013.

© CommunicatingCreatively/David Johnson 2015