My Mind Is At Rest…

Things That Attract My Eye – Part 9

We have moved house since the last instalment and so that opens up new opportunities for image-taking. Please the comments on each of the 9 images below.

Sunrise – Taken from our back deck.
Taken from our backyard. Have always enjoyed photographing clouds.
I was on my way to the gym one morning and had to stop the car three times to take Sunrise images as the Sunrise was so beautiful that morning.
Taken on a recent trip to the Sydney CBD to buy Art supplies and do some en Plein air sketching/painting. Always pays to look up!
I remember (as a child & not often as an adult), I used to lay on the grass and stare at the sky and watched as the cloud formed into different shapes. A very relaxing experience. Must do it again.
Lake Burragorang Lookout. This is a very popular picnic spot that is now only 10 minutes drive away from where we live. 🙂
This was another image I took that morning on the way to the gym. There are photo opportunities everywhere, so remember to look down as well. 🙂
Taken from the backyard again. Tempted to call this ‘Fingers of Light’ or ‘God’s Fingers.’
This one was also taken that morning on the way to the gym. So glad I stopped three times on the way… P.S. I did actually make it to the gym in the end! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed my latest selection.

Till next time!

Written by David Johnson

30 January 2024

Imagination Creating

Watercolour Sketch a Day – That’s 5 Years!

Today marks 5 years of doing a Watercolour Sketch a Day, every day, straight!

On 26 January 2019, I decided to aim to do a Watercolour Sketch a Day as I wanted to:

  • Create a daily Art practice
  • Improve my skills

I remember that after 7 days being happy that I had managed to get that far. Prior to setting my goal of a Watercolour Sketch a Day, I used to do one and then Life would get in the way, and before too long, 2 weeks had gone by. At that rate, it would take me a long time to improve.

Here is Watercolour Sketch a Day #1

It was done on cheap Monte Marte Watercolour paper with Winsor and Newton Cotman Half-Pan Watercolour paint.

About a month after I started, I was about to sign up for 10-week Watercolour course, then the first Covid lockdown hit, and so no course. Instead, I did 120 days straight of YouTube tutorials.

As time went by, gradually I improved however, I also noticed that I would ‘plateau’ and sometimes it seemed that I was going backwards…

Mostly, I endeavour to do the Watercolour Sketch a Day in the early morning before ork although due to various commitments, that is not always possible. The later in the day it gets done, of course the more tired I am so sometimes, the resulting sketch is not as good perhaps as it would have been if I had completed it earlier. Whatever I come up with I post on my Instagram page called ‘Communicating Creatively.’ All 5 years of Watercolour Sketch a Day’s are there.

The latest I have completed was 11.00pm at night.

Also, over time, I changed to using Artist quality Watercolours (Winsor & Newton; Daniel Smith and Schminke), and starting using Artist quality 300gsm/100% Cotton (Saunders Waterford; Winsor & Newton), and Art Spectrum 300gsm/35% Cotton materials.

Here is today’s Watercolour Sketch a Day.

So, where to from here?

I am looking forward to doing Watercolour Sketch a Day, 5 years 1 Day tomorrow. Yes, the journey will continue as I feel I have a long way to go to get to where I want to be as an Artist. I need to get outside my comfort zone more, too.

A few people have asked me, over time, what is the number you are heading for?

My reply is simple, all I am aiming to do is ‘a Watercolour Sketch a Day’ to practice and improve my skills. I just happened to have done that every day, for 5 years straight.

Happy painting!

Till next time!

Written by David Johnson

26 January 2024

Right Before My Eyes

Reflective of my Mood…

Today’s post is Watercolour Sketch a Day, 4 years, 363 days (in a row).

It has been a fairly hectic start to the year work and other commitment-wise and I think the subject of today’s sketch was clearly about my mind looking for a rest, I feel…

I called it, ‘Meditative.’

Is the art that you produce always reflective of your current mood?

Till next time!

Written by David Johnson

24 January 2024

Sentinel Rises

Inspiring Vista

Into The Future

A Brand New Page