Feeling At Ease

Reflective of my Mood…

Today’s post is Watercolour Sketch a Day, 4 years, 363 days (in a row).

It has been a fairly hectic start to the year work and other commitment-wise and I think the subject of today’s sketch was clearly about my mind looking for a rest, I feel…

I called it, ‘Meditative.’

Is the art that you produce always reflective of your current mood?

Till next time!

Written by David Johnson

24 January 2024

renewed focus

actors on the sky stage

One of the things that I must admit that I haven’t done for a long time is lay on the ground at gaze at the clouds as they drift on by…

It is something that I remember to be quite a meditative experience. One such time was during a bushwalk (hike) in the Blue Mountains, West of Sydney Australia. We were on our way out to a place called ‘Ruined Castle’ which was a rocky outcrop that looked, from a distance, a little like a ruined castle.

On the way out we came across a large expanse of flattish rock so we stopped for a rest and I remember laying back and gazing at the sky. So relaxing. Only the sounds of Mother Nature apparent with a gorgeous blue sky as a backdrop to the clouds, changing shape as they did, moving about like actors in a Play.

Sitting here typing this, my mind is cast back even further to my school days back in the 1970’s when, at lunchtime, I used to lay on the grass sometimes and gaze at the clouds. Again, so relaxing. My mind would drift off and be thinking of great memories but also thinking about the future as I lay there in the present.

Of course, clouds have entranced me in other ways as well. My Photography interest dates back to my childhood but in particularly from the early 1980’s when I became serious about it as a key interest.

The images included with this article are all taken on a phone and have been captured mainly on my walks over the past few years. Clouds have fascinated me for as long as I can remember and will continue to do so. Light, and its effects on objects fascinates me too, but more on that another time.

Below, I have included some cloud images that I found particularly interesting. Sit back and enjoy these actors as they dance across the stage of the sky!

Written by David Johnson

October 2021