
Spreading Anything But Gloom

Watching over the earth

Looking For The Light

Your Imagination

Where Beauty Reigns Supreme

Where Beauty Reigns Supreme

100 Great Wonders Poetry Challenge!

Yesterday, whilst visiting Mum for lunch, I came across a book I didn’t remember seeing there before called ‘100 Great Wonders Of The World’ – A collection of the World’s awe-inspiring places, buildings and landscapes.


As long as I can remember, these sorts of subjects have fascinated me. I love reading and researching them. We have not, at this stage done a huge amount of travelling so until we do get to some more, this has to suffice.

Upon borrowing the book and returning home, an idea came to mind to use the images as reference photos for my Watercolour Sketching practice. I realise I can Google these places anytime and references photos on the Internet are seemingly endless, however, having them all in one book is quite attractive. I still find that, ‘curling up with a real book’ is still far more attractive the scrolling online.

This morning, whilst flipping through the book, another idea came to mind… I have set myself a challenge and that is to write one Poem about each of these ‘Great Wonders of the World.’

I will read about each one, survey the images, go away and think on it and then write a Poem.

The first ‘Wonder’ is ’The Great Fjords of Norway.’ Here is the Poem I wrote:

The Great Fjords of Norway
Where Vikings reigned supreme
Long, narrow gorges

Flooded by the sea

Magnificent waterfalls cascade
Against a backdrop of Green
Majestic mountains rise

Snow-laden figurines

Tiny villages are scattered
Indeed they are so remote
Boats are the optimum way
To keep communication afloat

The Great Fjords of Norway
Where beauty reigns supreme
Long, narrow gorges

Flooded by the sea

I think this will be a very interesting challenge as it will help ’stretch my mind’ Poetry-wise and also further inspire us to do more travel when able.

Only 99 Poems to go!

Written by David Johnson
26 July 2020

To Gather Its Essence

To Gather Its Essence

Nil Rocha Art – A Mentor

Within the past week, a change has come across my Watercolour Sketch a Day practice.

When I started the practice it was because I wanted to learn not only Watercolour but obtain practice in sketching and drawing with pencils and pigment liners.

Over time and sometimes due to time constraints (mainly during the week), I found myself dispensing with the pencils and pigment liners and just doing a quick ‘wash’ sketch with paint only. This is ok, I guess as I was still getting practice, but I wonder how much I was actually learning, leaving myself to my own devices…?

Just under a week ago, I decided that I wanted to go back to my ‘original why’ and I started looking at YouTube and in particular searching the phrase, ‘Line and Wash.’

I came across an Artist channel, ‘Nil Rocha Art’ whose sketches appealed a lot to me. “Nil Rocha Art’ is listed as ‘a Professional Artist in ‘Line and Wash’ drawing landscape and others.

Having now done five of the tutorials, I feel like I am learning so much more now about sketching, painting and the use of colours, mixes etc than I have in all the time previously. Yes, I wish I had done this earlier but I guess we all have our own journey. Previously, I would watch different shows, picking up the occasional tips and practicing them, reading books etc.

I feel that the tutorials are stretching me, exploding me out of my comfort zone and even after only five days, I feel that my confidence in sketching/Watercolour is growing each day. I’ve included the five Line and Wash sketches I’ve done so far, below.

If I was just starting now, I would definitely jump onto YouTube or similar and find an Artist/Mentor that you can follow.

Should you be interested in learning about how to do Line and Wash here is the link to ‘Nil Rocha Art’ YouTube channel. I hope you have as much fun as I’m having.

Thank you to ‘Nil Rocha Art!’

Written by David Johnson
22 March 2020

“Fishing Trip” Day 416 of a Watercolour Sketch a Day

“Country House” Day 417 of a Watercolour Sketch a Day

“Farmland” Day 418 of a Watercolour Sketch a Day

“House On The Hill” Day 419 of a Watercolour Sketch a Day

“Hillside Living” Day 420 of a Watercolour Sketch a Day

Free To Roam

Free To Roam1