Car Wash Photography

If you have never taken any images from inside your car when your car is going through a n automated car wash, then I highly recommend it when you next take your car for a wash.

Below are are series of images I have taken in car washes over time. I find it fascinating and enjoy seeing what kinds of images I can come out with each time.

So, next time you take your car for a wash, remember to take your camera out!

Till next time!

Written & Photographed by David Johnson

28 April 2024

Things That Attract My Eye – Part 15

This is just a random selection of images that I found a delight to view.

Beautiful images surround us everyday, if we only will increase our awareness.

On our balcony at work on a break from the computer.
Taken in the car wash.

Till next time!

Written & Photographed by David Johnson

28 April 2024

Things That Attract My Eye – 5

Welcome to the 5th post of Things That Attract My Eye.

This crop of images comers from various places, including on a at a dinner near the City, our front garden in Autumn (Fall), the local Nepean River, Millthorpe (Country NSW), opposite the gym I attend and in a car wash.

Images and the beauty within them are sometimes found in the most unlikely places.

Written & Photographed by David Johnson

29 June 2023

Things That Attract My Eye – 3

Welcome to my third post of ‘Things that attract my eye’.

All of the images below were taken in the last couple of months on walks, excursions and as I go out my daily life. All were taken on my iPhone 8 Plus.

A famous Photographer was once asked, ‘What is the best camera to have?’ His answer was, ‘the one you have on you at the time…’. That was Chase Jarvis.

My interpretation of this comment is that we all probably wish that we could have our DSLR, Mirrorless or high-end compact camera with us every moment of the day to capture every beautiful image. This is often not possible, nor practical e.g., if I took my DSLR out on my early morning walk before I started running my business that day, my walk would take longer…and thus impact the running of my business.

With the phone camera, I just take a quick snap and I’m on my way as I have a certain amount of time allocated in the morning for exercise. That is the best camera to take the images on, given that circumstance.

Similarly, when I go out sketching, often, I will not take my DSLR with me as it can be a distraction.

Here are the latest things ‘that have attracted my eye’.

Written by David Johnson

23 October 2022

Moments – The Car Wash

Are we grabbing opportunities when they arrive?

In our lives, there are many ‘moments’ that we have the opportunity to do something different with that moment, but we don’t think of ways how we can use those moments better. I’ve been thinking over time ‘how I’ve used some of my moments?’

I’m talking about those moments when you are waiting… it might be for an appointment, waiting to go somewhere or sitting in your car in a car wash, like I was on late Sunday afternoon.

To be sure, we could just sit and think and watch the spray etc. Instead, I used the opportunity to explore the car wash with my phone camera. I did this before, many years ago with a car wash that used brushes however this was a brushless car wash.

Below are the results.

Next time you are sitting in a car wash, pull out your camera and see what interesting images you can come up with.

Looking forward to my next visit to the car wash!

Written & Photographed by David Johnson

31 May 2022